Archery elk hunts take place in September on public land from a wall tent camp within the Bighorn National Forest, which you can drive to. The Outfitted Hunt Camp is located on the scenic Tongue River drainage at 7,000 ft. Meals are served in a 16x20 cook tent. You will stay in a 12x14 wall tent with a floor, custom wood stoves, lanterns, and XL padded cots which make for a comfortable stay.
Rifle mule deer hunts take place in October. A limited number of hunters are taken on our private ranches to maintain quality trophy mule deer from year to year. We are hunting rolling sagebrush and brushy draws country with some irrigated pastures.
This whitetail deer hunt takes place during the month of November when the whitetail rut is in full swing. Open country coupled with lots of buck activity makes for an exciting hunt.
Rifle hunt big buck antelope out of blinds set at waterholes on thousands of private acres. High numbers of antelope ensure a shot opportunity.
If you are lucky enough to draw a tag in Unit 1, I would love to take you moose hunting. I spend a lot of time in the summer on the mountain looking for trophy shiras bulls. The best time to hunt them is late September to early October when they are rutting.
Spring bear hunts take place in May / June or until the quota fills. All hunting is done over established baits with rifles or bows in the mountains. Color phase bears are common in the area.
Mountain lion hunts start in November and run through the month of March. Lions are hunted on private ranches, National Forest, and BLM. All offer great access and good numbers of lions.
Come chase true Merriam turkeys in the foothills of the Bighorn mountains.
We have thousands of acres of dog towns to choose from on private ranches.