Bow hunt big buck antelope out of blinds set at waterholes on private land. High numbers of antelope ensure a shot. You will spend 8-12 hours in a ground blind a day waiting for the right buck, so patience is a must. Bucks average 12-14". 100% shot opportunity and guaranteed tags. Hunt takes place August 15th-28th. Hunt antelope with Wyoming's top big game outfitter.
Antelope hunts are great fun and offer 100% success rates and multiple opportunities. You can expect to see lots of antelope and well over 100 bucks on this hunt. We hunt on private land in unit 22. You will spend most of your time driving around looking for a buck that you like and then putting a stalk on him. Bucks average 12-14 inches. Tags are 100% draw. These hunts take place October 1-31st.
Unit 17 - 3 points needed in the regular draw and 1 point for the special draw
Unit 22 - 2 points needed in the regular draw and 0 points for the special draw