Wyoming Big Game Draw Information

Trophy Wyoming Bull Elk

How does big game tag draw work in Wyoming?

In any type of big game draw, 75 % of available licenses in each hunt area and license type will be allotted to the preference point drawing. The remaining 25% of available licenses will be reserved for a random drawing. The random drawing is intended to provide everyone who applies a chance to draw a license without preference points.

Elk Hunts

Wyoming Preference Points

Like many other states, Wyoming gives non-resident hunters the option to purchase preference points to get a better shot at a preferred hunt. You can purchase a preference point only from July 1 - November 2. Preference points are a way for hunters to improve their odds of eventually drawing a license in a hard-to-draw hunt area. To get the best use of your preference points, check out the application strategies. Click here to find out more information or apply for preference points.  

How Does The Preference Point System in Wyoming Work?

The preference point system is designed to improve an applicant’s odds of eventually drawing a high-demand license in Wyoming. Seventy-five percent (75%) of available licenses in each hunt area and license type are allocated to the preference point drawing. Applicants with the highest preference point ranking will receive priority in the preference point drawing. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) of available licenses will be allocated in a random drawing regardless of preference points. The random drawing is intended to provide everyone who applies a chance to draw a license, regardless of their preference point total. Preference points will be required to draw elk and moose tags in the units we hunt unless you get lucky in the random draw. Deer and antelope tags can be drawn with one point.

  • Preference points are assigned to the person’s sportsperson identification number and are tied to a species but not to a specific hunt area. *You are allowed to apply for different hunt areas from one year to the next. 
  • No person may apply for or be awarded more than one (1) preference point per species in the same calendar year.
  • The number of preference points you have going into the draw is the number used. A common misconception is that you are given next year's point, and that's how many are used in the draw, not the way it works.
  • Preference points are only considered for an applicant’s first choice for full price license applications, you will not use your points if you draw your second choice.  
  • Preference points can be purchased July 1- November 2. There is no application fee to purchase a preference point only.
  • If a person fails to either apply for a drawing with the preference point option or purchase a preference point during the preference point-only application period for two (2) consecutive years, all accumulated points for that species will be lost.
  • A youth applicant wanting to purchase preference points only must be at least eleven (11) years old at the time of submitting an application and must be at least twelve (12) years old by December 31 of that year.  
Big Game Draw Cost Wyoming

How much do Preference Points cost in Wyoming?


  • Moose -- $7
  • Sheep -- $7


  • Elk -- $52
  • Deer -- $41
  • Antelope -- $31
  • Moose -- $150
  • Bighorn Sheep -- $150
  • Youth Elk -- $10
  • Youth Deer -- $10
  • Youth Antelope -- $10
How to Apply for a Tag in WY

2024 Wyoming Hunting License Fees

  • Elk -- $692
  • Special Elk -- $1,950
  • Deer -- $374
  • Antelope -- $326
  • Moose -- $1,982
  • Bear -- $373
  • Mountain Lion -- $373
  • Spring Turkey -- $74
  • Conservation Stamp -- $16.50
  • Archery Stamp -- $30

(License Prices Subject to Change Per State of Wyoming)

Wyoming Fish & Game

Purchase Preference Points


Apply or Buy a License


Wyoming Elk

Mule Deer Tags - Wyoming

Applying for a mule deer tag in Wyoming is a straightforward process for hunters wanting an authentic big game experience. When you secure a mule deer tag, this opens the door to exploring Wyoming's diverse landscapes while engaging in a thrilling and challenging hunting experience. We hunt in Regions C and Y, and tags can be drawn with 0 up to 1 point. 


Elk Tags - Wyoming

Seeking an Elk tag in Wyoming is a simple procedure for hunters seeking a genuine big-game adventure. Acquiring an Elk tag grants you access to explore the diverse landscapes of Wyoming, offering a thrilling and challenging hunting experience. Our hunting grounds for elk hunts primarily take place in Units 37, 38, and 39, and in which you will need to have 5-13 preference points to draw.